Monday, September 14, 2009


Wow! People are crazy. I just spent ten days with my mother cleaning out her beautiful little house in preparation for her moving to a retiement apartment. She had so much incredible stuff. We made over $`1,100 and never even emptied some of her cabinets.

It's amazing what some people will buy. And it blew my mind that noone thought to haggle about the prices! If you play your card right and look at what you REALLY have you would be amazed what peop-le pe will pay for it.

My mother had a bureau full of my grandmoter's costume jewelry. None of it expensive and most of it really out dated. But my sister put a piece on this morning with a sweater and a cardigan it looked fantastic! I am wearing a pair of wooden screw on earrings now with different pieces painted from illuminati manuscripts....totally awesome.

There are people out there with this stuff and they want you to clear it out. I can count at least six people who asked me if I would do the garage sale thing for them and clean out their houses. It is not easy, it is back breaking work and it helps if you have a dump to get rid of bad crap that clutters up your selling area.

If all else fails, the church is always looking for White Elephont items.

Here's a silver tea canister from the 1850's that was just hanging around. Got big bucks for it. I'm wearing a cool necklace, circa 1940. Painted earring from the 30's.

See what your relatives don't want - perhaps they will gove some the of proceeds to you - unless they are fanativ Yankees, like my mother, who wouldn't give me anything even though I was her slave for ten days - OH WELL, beats gewtting drunk on the porch!!!

Who knew??

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