Today's Hugffington Post features an article about women's unhappiness. Duh!!!! Did we really need Arianna to point that out? She is going to be featuring blogs from Marcus Buckingham over the next few weeks telling us how unhappy we are. What man can relate to this concept except through surveys, which he quotes liberally.
I really don't get it. In spite of all of the hard work and achievements women have made we are still the lowest dogs on the totem pole. Ostrich Man has even conceded that he never helped with childcare and housework. Doesn't even know where we keep the scissors, or the washing machine. What kind of fool was I? Or course I was unhappy!! Four needy kids, full time job, and no help.
Millions of American women are living the same sham of a life. Working themselves to the bone, trying to be good, caring mothers, and trying to please an asshole who really doesn't care about them. They only care if they have clean socks and towels. We are living this life - but Arianna is going to tell us how it is. What does she know?? Tha't's why she needs Marcus Beerbaum and his statistics to tell us how to live "richer, more purposeful and happier lives".
Walk a mile in my shoes Arianna! At the moment I am covered in black paint, have a pot of chili on the stove, three full garbage cans, a filthy floor, two dogs barking in the back yard, a dryer full of clothes that need to be folded, two resumes to send out, two Quimper pots that need to be repaired, and Jeopardy is on in 25 minutes. What's the priority?? Jeopardy definitely. Alex, you are so cute!
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