Mad Happy
Of course she is 90 and she is wearing a crown. But the pictures were taken within about 30 seconds of each other. This is what my sisters and I have to deal with in the next few days (and some of them a lot and more intensely than me....). I leave tomorrow to deal with her and the other michigas happening there. Why can't I just sit and read a book???
Moving all of her beautiful things into the "independent living" apartment is going to be a trip. I feel very sorry for the moving men and wish that I had a prescription for Valium.
But today was a good day. The yard sale went splendidly, as did the Farmer's Market across the street, which drew a lot of traffic. Believe it or not there is a French Nun in a habit (complete with wimple) who is selling pastries and breads that she and her fellow sisters make in St. Charles. There is also a Bluegrass Band, beautiful vegetables, cheeses and a knife sharpener. Who could ask for anything more? Why didn't I have Claudia take a photo??? There were really only a few things that I had to put in the trash (where is the dump store when you need it??).
Friends are fabulous and I am lucky to have some wonderful, smart, beautiful and helpful women friends. Claudia even brought Chocolate Zucchini Bread, marketed my house to total strangers, stayed most of the day, and bought a lot of stuff. What more can you ask??
The whole Yard/Garage sale is very interesting. There are people who are really into it and get lots of stuff cheap and then there are those assholes who keep trying to whittle you down when they know perfectly well you were right on about the price.
But good things do happen and I am very happy with the outcome of the sale. My daughter was on the national All Things Considered broadcast, another is going to help me clean (maybe) and the weather is absolutely gorgeous. Mea Culpa????????
But I am extremely happy, since nothing that sold was really important to me. The things that didn't sell are. And so that is what counts.
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