I could use some covering of some sort right now.
You can tell that this woman is beautiful. And underneath she is wearing La Perla underwear and Jimmy Choos. And that's all! Who is she kidding?
I had a total meltdown this morning and really lost it when I saw the FOR SALE sign newly erected on my front lawn. Of course it was at that moment that the real estate agent and the photographer arrived to take photos of the house. Right now I am one hot mess. I think a Niqab would fulfill my needs. And that's when Ostrich Man showed up, summoned by one of my daughters who called in the middle of meltdown.
He did mow the lawn and then went through all of the sale stuff. He found the "Learn German" CD's that I had put in the sale helpful. That way he can say "take it off" to the Viennese girlfriend.
I must have 2,000 records. I went through them to pull out the rock stuff and I found a pristine copy of "Thriller". Dollar signs flew through my head and right out again when I realized that there was no record inside. Probably double sleeved with one of the 20 copies of Ravel's Bolero that I seem to own. Ah, the 70's. They were great weren't they? I wish I could remember them.
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