Wouldn't this be a fantastic use of some of the less hospitable parts of the Chicago River. Only in Paris would they build these two glowing orbs, each with their own mutiplexes, cafes and outdoor terraces. Daley Lite has never been shy about stealing ideas from other cities, especially when they are prominent Sister Cities. You remember the hanging baskets of flowers, his beloved wrought iron fences, and now our very own Promenade Plantee (already given the much less romantic name Bloomington Trail). Can the public bikes be far behind?
I love creative urban architecture. Rem Koolhaus' tunnel that encases the elevated train tracks that bisect IIT is brilliant. Yes, they cost a little more money but they are crowd pleasers. That's why I really hope that Calatrava gets his spire built. Anyone can put up an ugly Trump Tower - but a spire curving up touch the clouds and even break through them would truly please all of the ground and air travelers.
The just completed Olympic bid was wildly expensive to pull off. I know that there were millions of corporate dollars already committed, should we have won. Why not use some of it to give us more Jaume Plensa - like fountains, and another Cloudgate. The the European IOC members who thought that Chicago wasn't "romantic" enough would have to be quiet. Or instead, just make sure that every child living in this ridiculouly sloganed - city of neighborhoods - has food to eat. Now that would make headlines!!!
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