Now for the look that will knock them off their feet at your next job interview. Talk about getting noticed! This from Fall Louis Vuitton. Their eyes will definitely be on your bust - that is if you have one. The jacket looks reminiscent of one I have in the attic that I will need to dig out. Large shoulders, shapeless and long. Definitely not what is in my current use closet. I'm not really sure I want to see it again, but one must suffer for fashion. The bra and bust issue is less easily corrected. I saw Suzanne Sommers on the Today show this morning. She got the thigh thing down, but you could probably use the Thigh Master in your arms. If not, do what someone I know does and just wear three bras at once!

I talked last week about the new showing from Rodarte. This from the sisters Mulleavey. Everyone has a terrible old leather jacket in the back of the closet. Or a black leather pencil skirt from when they were a size 0 (when was that exactly). Why not cut them up and add them to a pair of existing black leather boots or little black dress. Voila! Louis Vuitton. Well, not exactly, but from a distance perhaps. A hot glue gun with a delicate hand is indispensable here. Watch out for the fabric that you are adhering the leather to. It may just melt under the heat of the glue. And forget about ever washing or dry cleaning the item again.
Halloween is just around the corner. If you don't want to sacrifice something in your attic, get thee to the thrift store. Make a test outfit. You'll find all kinds of leather pieces that noone can fit into anymore. A dominatrix look is always a hit at parties. Remember when Suzie wore the dominatrix costume on "Curb Your Enthusiasm"? Larry made Cheryl wear a burka.
Speaking of "Curb". Last night's episode was definitely the best one of this season. Larry dates two women in wheelchairs at the same time and one makes reference to the fact that they always hang out with Steven Hawking. Very, very, bad Larry, but very funny.
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