1 Joan Kennedy had it all. A handsome husband from a true patriarchal family. Yet she threw it all away for a bottle when Ted made his famous swan dive at Chappaquidick.
2. Elizabeth Taylor. Violet eyes, talent,(she had the Cleopatra thing down pat), yet she let Richard Burton and others destroy her self esteem, and ultimately, her looks, and her career. It's a far cry from Richard Burton to Michael Jackson as a dinner companion.
3. Lyndsay Lohan. I actually feel kind of sorry for her to be dragged through the mud at such a young age. She sure has the beauty thing down, but everything else is up for grabs. I doubt that anyone will ever hire her again. And how about that jerk of a father commenting on how great her new boobs look! I guess when you think you can have it all - you can't. Men, women, $5,000 a day stylists (this must have been his day off.
4. Now we come to my favorite fallen woman, who is so clueless that she doesn't even know it yet, yes, the former Governor of the great state of Alaska. Anytime you can get Tina Fey to do a pretty great impression of you you've got it made, but what did she do with it? Nothing, Defending her wardrobe, her pregnant daughter, her mentally challenged snowmobiler husband. Just invite your grandson's father for Thanksgiving dinner. A moose roast must serve at least 50. Sit him at the kid's table, make him do the dishes, shirtless, You know he now has quite the 6 pack going for his Playgirl photo shoot
Which twin has the Toni?? Is it real or is it Tina????

But luckily we do have some strong arms and shoulders for women to look up to. My favorite of the moment is Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House. Imagine how those old white boys hate being bossed around by this:

The world may be changing bit by bit, but it's still a man's world and they can bring women down faster than you can say "divorce court". It's been more than 24 years since they refused to pass the Equal Rights Amendment. I think it's time we demanded compensation for the slavery we have been subjected to all these years.
But there was one formidable woman who blazed a trail, never swerved off the road and I suspect told her husband to "Shut up you old fart" on more than one occasion, Let her serve as an inspiration to us all.
Eleanor Roosevelt led by example, whether it was addressing the troops, having her private aerrie, Valkill built in Hyde Park, or making it possible for Marian Andersen to sing at the Lincoln Memorial. Let us never forget her immortal words, "Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do and damned it you don't"
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". ER
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